If I do that, people are going to be like, “Man, f- you! Tell me what’s real.
I can’t do another album about wanting to go backwards. And my friends all have money and they’re getting their own places. And she just got surgery and she’s healthy. I just got my mother into a nice apartment. But when I listen back to it… I’m more confident now. I wish I was still in school.” At that time that was really how I felt. With this record, I knew I couldn’t talk about “Oh, I miss my old friends.” On Thank Me Later I said something like “ I wish wasn’t famous. He’s expressed to me adamantly that he wants to see me succeed. I think me and Stevie immediately formed a relationship where he wants to see me do well. That’s always reassuring, to be able to play Stevie Wonder music and have him say that it’s incredible. Other than that, I just played him music for approval. I’ve heard stories where it’s like “So and so cried when they heard this.” And I’d be like, “Yeah, okay, cool.” But I’ve seen people tear up listening to this song that me and Stevie did. I’ve never played a song for people and they’ve cried and gone into their own private zone in their mind where they’re really thinking about some situations that hit home. He heard a song that he saw some potential in and he added some key pieces that made it come to life. It’s an incredible thing I witnessed that night. I’m going to do the type of R&B I’m good at. It’s going to be really tight writing and s- that’s sexy as f. Here I wanted to get back to “Brand New,” “ Bria’s Interlude” days.
Before I’d have scattered interludes and songs where I’m experimenting with things. I was only trying to use extremely strong R&B songs on this album if I’m going to use R&B at all. There’s a lot of shocking sonic music on this album. Even if it leaks, I want people to hear it together, as opposed to reading an in depth article about every song. I want people to get it all on the same day.
I really don’t want your first impression to be from some-and no offense to you obviously-from some writer that sees it through one set of eyes and ears and then the whole world goes and forms an opinion based off that article. That’s why I’m not doing any listening sessions. I think words are something I’m eager for people to hear. I’ve been here for like four months now, just seeing people I know, seeing my family, seeing friends, going out, driving in the city again. I’ve been here for the longest time since my career started. For this album I spent a lot of time in Toronto. I didn’t have that much going on other than work. But it was hard to give people a huge part of Aubrey at that time. It was kind of hard to tap into the psyche of myself. I was in such demand at the time that I was almost disconnecting with what was going on around me. That’s why I felt like with the Thank Me Later process I was almost trying to create some stories for myself to rap about because everything was going so fast. He understands rap probably better than anyone else I mentioned. I love feedback, but especially when it comes to Hush. I never take criticism personally from anyone. We love rap the same way and we have the same exact ear. If anyone knows what I’m capable of, it’s Hush. And probably the most important person in the equation is Hush, who is a friend of mine who grew up rapping in Toronto and he’s present every night. Then my DJ Future the Prince has a great ear for music.
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He knows what I’m capable of and he’s not afraid to say “You can do that better” or “That’s it” or “I know you can write a better verse than that.” And Oliver El-Khatib, who has progressed from my friend who just used to advise me on how to dress to a guy who came up with the artwork for So Far Goneto, since he’s such a creative brain, that he’s become one of my managers. He’s worked with me every single night I’ve set foot in the studio since Comeback Season. Obviously, the main one would be 40 (Noah Shebib). There are about three or four major opinions that I respect.